As parents, our greatest hope for our children is that they become great saints! We named Felicity after the early Church martyr, St. Felicity of Carthage. We pray that she might look up to and stay close to her namesake her whole life. March 7th was the feast of Saints Felicity and Perpetua, so naturally, we had to celebrate.
In the weeks prior to this special day, I had thought it'd be nice to give Felicity a holy card of her patron. Little did I know how hard this task would be. I searched Catholic bookstores, scoured the internet, but alas, my efforts fell short! So Carter and I undertook the task of making our own (and now it is family tradition, and no matter how "common" our other children's names are, we must do this on every first feast day!). Carter was to write the prayer, and I was to find the image and assemble the card.
Carter based the prayer off of the
Passion of Saints Perpetua and Felicity, a fascinating primary text, in which Perpetua gives a first hand account of their martyrdom. (I actually had to read this in college for a women in classical studies class -- see, public education isn't
all that bad!) Since I am challenged when it comes to computers, it took me longer than I'm willing to admit to assemble the holy card. But it turned out pretty nice, if I do say so myself!
The prayer is more than lovely! We can't wait to teach it to our little girl. As for now, we will just pray it on her behalf:
St. Felicity –O happy martyr!
Twice blessed with baptismal grace,
Offer praises with heavenly psalter
To the Holy Spirit, Son, and Father,
And kisses of perpetual peace.
And in the garden of humility
Pray God grants thy spiritual daughter,
If I suffer for His divinity,
The fortitude in femininity
To meet thee at the sacred altar.
Some small gifts, including animal crackers since St. Felicity was killed by a wild beast!
Roles reversed, as a Felicity devours the wild beast!
St. Felicity, pray for us!!!